Common Foot and Leg Injuries at Work

Had a leg injury at work? Find out what you can expect when making a claim for work-related foot and leg injuries. Richardson & Lyons lawyers are here to help you get the leg injury at work compensation that you deserve.

The most common type of foot and leg injury we deal with is often referred to as a broken leg. But, what does that mean? Different types of fracture include:

  • Compound fracture: On the more serious end of a broken leg, a compound fracture is the shattering of bone into many pieces. This type of leg injury at work is usually caused by a high-impact accident.
  • Stress fracture: A crack in the bone developed over time by repeated force, causing stress. This leg injury at work may be minor compared to a full break, but it can still cause you pain and affect your ability to work.
  • Displaced fracture: Two broken parts of bone must be moved back together in order to heal.
  • Other types of fracture we see are; avulsion, compression, and impacted fractures.


Knee and foot injuries at work are also eligible for damages claims, if we can prove that your workplace injury occurred due to negligence on the part of your employer.

All employers must provide a reasonable duty of care to prevent their workers from sustaining injuries. If your employer fails to properly train you or manage systems to reduce the risk of workplace injury, then you may be able to successfully pursue an injury at work claim.

What to do in case of foot and leg injuries at work?

In case of work related foot injuries, seek medical treatment immediately to receive a full diagnosis and aid your best chance at recovery. Leg injury compensation claims centre around the amount of long-term pain caused and the severity of the injury, resulting in disability. Pain varies dependent on the person and the kind of leg or foot injury sustained.

Written evidence of your injury at work is essential to your case, so be sure to notify your employer of your accident as soon as possible. Photographs of your work-related injury can also help you when making a claim.


Making a claim for foot and leg injuries at work

Our team of specialist personal injury lawyers are available to assist you throughout the workplace injury claims process, from beginning to end. We want to see you be awarded appropriate injury compensation to aid your recovery and return to work.

Compensation for damages claims is usually calculated based on the monetary difference between your expected life path before the injury, compared to afterwards. Therefore, losing a leg, for instance, would yield a higher level of compensation than a broken leg to reflect the permanent adjustment to your life.

To work out the level of Foot & Leg Injury Compensation you can expect to receive, talk to Richardson & Lyons lawyers today to discuss the circumstances of your injury. That way, we can make a full assessment of your unique situation to provide you with a more accurate idea of leg injury at work compensation.


Get in touch with Richardson & Lyons specialist personal injury lawyers to discuss your workplace injury. We can work with you to determine the circumstances of your case to successfully pursue a claim for leg injury at work compensation.

Common Hand Injuries at Work

Do you use power tools at work every day for more than 15 minutes? You could be at risk of an arm injury at work.

Hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to the amputation of fingers or your hand. Caused by vibration transfer to the hand and arm by the use of power tools or vibrating machinery, hand injuries at work can be a major cause for concern.

Vibration disrupts circulation in your hand and forearm, as well as damaging your nerves and tendons, joints, bones, and muscles in your fingers, hands, and arms. Signs and symptoms of HAVS include:

  • Pain in your hands and arms
  • Reduced muscle strength in these areas
  • Whitening of the fingers

So, if you’re regularly using tools such as jackhammers, drills, grinders, chainsaws, or impact wrenches – you and your employer should be aware of HAVS. Workers in particular industries like agriculture, construction, forestry and fishing, and transport and storage are at a higher risk of sustaining hand injuries at work.

What to do in case of hand, finger, and arm injuries at work?

Sustaining a finger injury at work may be small and seemingly insignificant to you, but it can develop into something more serious. Your arms and hands are your main tools to get you through life, lasting damage to them can impact your future. Hand and finger injuries in the workplace are more common than you may think, and a lot of them could’ve been preventable.

Your employer has a duty of care to keep you safe from such workplace injuries. In the case of arm and hand injuries at work caused by over-exposure to vibration, your employer should have reasonable training for you and effective operating systems already set in place to reduce your risk of developing HAVS.

If Richardson & Lyons lawyers can prove that your employer’s negligence to protect your safety caused your injury, then you may have a successful hand injury claim. It’s important to note that everyone’s circumstances are different, so you’re better off talking to our specialist personal injury lawyers first to determine whether your case may be worth pursuing.


Making a claim for hand, finger, and arm injury at work

We’ve put together some information about Hand & Arms Injury Compensation for you, but how do you go about making a hand injury claim?

Speaking to one of our expert workplace injury lawyers is a great place to start. We can gain a thorough understanding of your case to evaluate your entitlements to claim and give you an estimate of what level of compensation you can expect to receive.

Compensation for damages claims varies depending on your unique circumstances. You may receive hand injury compensation to cover all medical expenses and economic losses. In more serious cases, you may also receive compensation to provide for your future reduced working ability and modifications to your home.

Time limits do apply when pursuing a hand injury claim. Get in touch with our lawyers early on to have the best chance of receiving the level of compensation you deserve for hand and finger injuries in the workplace.


Richardson & Lyons are specialist personal injury lawyers in Queensland. We can help to assess your situation and provide legal advice on how to make a hand injury claim to successfully recover hand injury compensation for you.

Mental Stress Injuries at Work

Suffering a mental health injury at work may be caused by undue stress put upon you by your employer, or in the aftermath of a workplace accident. Lodging a mental illness claim has recently become easier for workers in Queensland. Let’s talk about the types of stress at work and what you can expect from a personal injury claim for stress.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can often result from exposure to a traumatic event. Anyone can be affected by PTSD, it can occur following an isolated event or through repeated traumatic experiences.

You can expect to endure a reasonable amount of stress at work. Indeed, some occupations, such as working for emergency services and defence forces, come with a greater risk of personal harm and exposure to danger, invoking traumatic experiences. Nevertheless, all employers owe a duty of care to their employers to avoid foreseeable risk of personal injury at work.

In Queensland, you can only claim damages for your dominant injury. Therefore, if you suffer physical injury at work that also causes mental stress such as PTSD, this will be taken into full consideration when it comes to measuring your overall level of compensation on the Injury Value Scale.

For a mental stress claim to be successful, Richardson & Lyons lawyers must prove that your mental health injury at work was due to your employer’s negligence.

What to do in case of mental/stress injuries at work?

In most cases, mental stress at work should be taken care of by systems already set in place by your employer. Implementing these systems properly to be used effectively is their responsibility. Should you suffer a mental health injury at work due to the failure of such systems, you can claim damages for your employer’s negligence to provide a duty of care.

If your employment has been a significant contributing factor to your mental health injury, you can expect to be able to pursue a mental illness claim.

It’s best to talk to one of our expert personal injury lawyers before making a personal injury claim for stress. That way, we can better understand your circumstances and make a fair assessment of your entitlement to claim for damages.

Making a claim for mental stress injury at work

We understand that speaking to a lawyer can only add extra burden to your mental stress. Therefore, Richardson & Lyons lawyers work alongside you to pursue your mental illness claim in a way that makes you most comfortable.

Our team of specialist personal injury lawyers set your best interests at heart. We want to see you receive the level of compensation you deserve.

Did you know that Mental Stress Injury Compensation is required to be made available to you in the form of support services? While your claim is being determined, insurers must provide reasonable access to mental health services for suffering workers.

Time limits do apply to any personal injury claim for stress. To give yourself the best chance possible of receiving appropriate compensation, get in touch with a lawyer as soon as possible.

Insurers may also accept claims lodged outside the required six-month time limit. If you’ve tried to manage your mental health injury at work, you may still have an opportunity to lodge a personal injury claim for stress at work.


Take the stress out of your mental health injury at work by talking to a specialist personal injury lawyer. At Richardson & Lyons, our expert team can help you navigate lodging a mental illness claim to recover the compensation you deserve.


Common Neck Injuries at Work

Suffering a traumatic neck injury at work can seriously impact you for life. Find out what the most common types of neck injuries at work are and learn about how to make a neck injury claim.

Whiplash tends to be the most common cause of a neck and spine injury at work. Whether you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident or some other form of work-related collision, serious neck injuries can be physically, emotionally, and financially damaging. 

If you have suffered a neck injury at work, you may be able to make a claim for compensation if Richardson & Lyons lawyers can prove your employer was negligent, causing your accident. Neck Injury Compensation can bring you peace of mind by covering your medical expenses and financial losses.


What to do in case of a neck injury at work?

Seek medical treatment immediately following a neck injury at work and be sure to let your employer know about the accident.

Time limits do apply when it comes to making a neck injury claim. Focus firstly on your recovery, but do be sure to get the claims process underway as soon as you are able to.

Usually, you can access funds to cover your wages, travel, and medical expenses following your accident via WorkCover or your employer’s self-insurer. However, these benefits will eventually lapse and you may be offered a lump-sum compensation instead. It’s best to get in touch with a workplace injury lawyer before accepting such an offer. Once accepted, you cannot make a common law claim for further compensation.

Don’t get left short-changed. Talk to the expert lawyers at Richardson & Lyons to find out your entitlements and your eligibility to claim.


Making a claim for neck injury at work

The amount of compensation received in workers comp settlements for neck injuries is usually calculated based upon the monetary difference between your predicted life path before the accident compared to afterwards.

Compensation for serious neck injuries is paid out by the insurance company of your employer. It is intended to cover the cost of treatment for your injuries and your economic losses. You might also be able to receive compensation to cover costs such as:

  • Medical, rehabilitation, and hospital expenses
  • Ongoing loss of income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Modifications to your home and ongoing in-house care


Using all of the relevant reports and medical evidence, your expert personal injury lawyer can accurately calculate the level of compensation you may be entitled to in order to make a neck injury claim. We will work with you to ensure you receive the level of compensation that you deserve.


Everyone’s neck injury at work is different, so you can expect your level of Neck Injury Compensation to also vary. It’s best that you talk to our specialist workplace injury lawyers who can make an estimation based on your own unique circumstances.

Common Back Injuries at Work

Are you among the many millions of Australians who are suffering from chronic back pain? You’re not alone.

Modern working conditions can often exacerbate existing back pain. Dealing with your back injury at work can be highly disruptive to your everyday life. Common back injuries at work include:

  • Incorrect lifting technique, including carrying, pushing, or pulling
  • Poor posture and slouching at your desk
  • Bending or twisting at repeatedly awkward angles
  • Standing up or bending over for long periods of time
  • Driving for long periods of time without a break or seated awkwardly
  • Overuse of the muscles, through sport or repetitive movements

A back injury at work can also result from an isolated workplace accident such as a slip and fall or due to a repetitive strain injury. Whatever the case may be, make sure to seek medical attention so your condition does not worsen.


What to do in case of back injury at work?

In case of a back injury at work caused by an accident, here’s what to do.

Depending on the circumstances of your accident, you may be able to make a claim and receive Back Injury Compensation. In most cases, if you make a successful back injury at work claim, then compensation is paid out to you by your employer’s insurance company.

Circumstances such as employer negligence resulting in your back injury at work can mean that you’re entitled to make a claim. Your claim will help you to seek compensation for your back injury, recovering costs relating to medical treatment, ongoing management, and any economic loss suffered.

There may be other things you can claim compensation for following a back injury. Talk to Richardson & Lyons lawyers to gain a thorough indication of what you may be able to claim for and what compensation you can expect to receive. The level of compensation received can be calculated by measuring the gap between your predicted life path before your injury, and what has been lost due to the accident taking place.


Making a claim for back injury at work

Making a back injury at work claim can be a complicated process. It’s best to seek expert legal advice from us to determine you have a claim before you get started.

If you’ve suffered a back injury at work due to negligence, carelessness, unsafe working conditions, inadequate equipment, or a collision – you may be able to make a claim for compensation.

Time limits do apply to injury at work claims, so do be sure to act quickly when seeking legal help to begin the process.



The length of the claims process varies depending on the circumstances of your back injury. Speak with Richardson & Lyons’ expert lawyers today to better understand timelines and the amount of compensation you can claim for your back injury at work.

The Most Common Causes of Injuries at Work

Let’s face it – accidents do happen. Personal injury can strike at any time, anywhere. Considering how much time we spend on the job these days, an injury at work is bound to happen. 

It’s good to know what the most common causes of injury at work are so that you can learn to avoid them. Find out how to make an injury at work claim and understand your rights to Injury Work Compensation

What are the most common causes of injury at work? 

An injury at work can mean many different outcomes, ranging from minor sprains to seriously debilitating accidents. Learning what to watch out for in case of injury at work can help you avoid an accident waiting to happen. Workplace injuries most commonly seen in the emergency department include:

  • Strains and sprains: If you’re lifting heavy objects in a warehouse, incorrect technique can lead to muscle strain and over-exertion causing injury at work. Make sure your team always practises correct lifting techniques.
  • Falls, trips and slips: Working at heights or in and around environments prone to spills and other tripping hazards can cause falls, trips and slips. Avert a crisis by removing hazards in your way.
  • Fractures: More serious trips and falls can leave you with broken bones. Fractures can be easily avoided by removing tripping hazards and wearing correct PPE equipment. 
  • Wounds and lacerations: Working in a kitchen or on a building site? Keep your flesh protected with appropriate clothing and always operate equipment safely. 
  • Mental health conditions: Workplace bullying and overwork can cause serious and lasting injury at work. Promoting a positive work environment focusing on regular breaks and catch-ups boosts team morale and minimises stress. 

What to do in case of a work injury? 

In case of injury at work, it’s important to seek appropriate medical attention first and foremost. Reporting the incident to your employer is also necessary. As you recover, consider making an injury at work claim. 

Whether your workplace injury occurred while on a break or during travel to/from your place of work, you may still be entitled to work injury compensation. If working caused you to sustain an injury or aggravated a pre-existing condition, you may also be able to claim. 

Unfair dismissal due to workplace injury should be considered when making a claim for injury at work. With the help of Richardson & Lyons’ specialist workplace injury lawyers, we can get you reinstated to your former position in the event of dismissal. Provided you receive a doctor’s certificate proving you to be medically fit for employment, you may return to work. 

If you are unable to return to your former employment anytime soon or ever again, then the workers compensation insurer should be able to assist you in finding alternative work.

Making a claim for injury at work? 

You’re entitled to make an injury at work claim in Queensland if you’re injured at work, or as a result of your employment, or if employment is a significant contributing factor to your injury. 

The sooner you start the injury at work claim process, the sooner you may receive medical treatment for your workplace injury funded by the workers compensation insurer. Covered medical costs enable you to bypass the public health system to get you back to work faster.


If you’re considering making an injury at work claim, it’s best to get in contact with our lawyers as soon as possible. Time limits do apply to injury at work claims, act quickly to ensure your best chances of receiving work injury compensation.

What to do if you are Diagnosed with Silicosis?

Silicosis symptoms usually don’t appear until many years after exposure. If you begin noticing any of the symptoms above, particularly if you work or have worked in the below areas you should see a doctor immediately.

  • Mining
  • Construction
  • Glass manufacturing
  • Roofing

There is no specific test for silicosis, however, your doctor will likely ask you about your breathing, conduct scans, and a lung function test, and ask you about your work history. Seeing a doctor is also important for your silicosis legal claim. You want to have medical evidence to prove the symptoms you are suffering. For this reason, as soon as you start noticing any symptoms, you should make note of them.

Keep all employment records and document anything you think might be relevant to your claim at your worksite.

Don’t worry if you aren’t sure about what might be important – our silicosis lawyers will ask you all the relevant questions to make sure we understand your specific situation.
You should also consult Richardson & Lyons as experts on silicosis compensation. We will help you achieve the best pay-out possible. 

Learn About Silicosis

Silicosis is a lung disease that can occur in people exposed to silica. Symptoms include coughing, phlegm and trouble breathing. If it progresses, symptoms can include fatigue, weight loss, chest pain and shortness of breath.

There is no cure for silicosis. However, symptoms can be managed using steroid inhalers and medication to relax the airways.

Silica is a mineral component of most rocks, including granite, shale and sandstone. Silica dust is so fine it can reach the smallest airways in your lungs. The silica particles make it harder to breathe by harming the lung tissue and causing inflammation and scarring. You are at higher risk if your work exposes you to silica dust. This includes jobs such as mining, steel working, construction/renovation, glass manufacturing, roofing and farming.

Silicosis cases in Australia are on the rise. Research conducted in 2019 estimated that there were 350 cases nationwide in December, 100 more than there were in September. This is largely due to the installation of artificial granite benchtops.

Unlike asbestos, silica can be handled safely in a formed state. Instead of banning silica, the Government has decided to regulate the silica industry and enforce strict safety protocols.

Silicosis is best prevented by not being exposed to silica dust at all. Employers and workplaces have a legal duty to manage and minimise risks when silica is involved. Commonly implemented measures include:

  • Minimising the amount of silica present in construction
  • Minimising worker exposure to silica-based tasks
  • Automating jobs involving silica when possible
  • Providing PPE to workers

Australia Develops Silicosis and Dust Disease Taskforce

To coordinate the Federal response to prevent and manage dust diseases like silicosis, the Government has established the Dust Disease Taskforce. The Government is providing $5 million to support the Taskforce. The Taskforce will carry out research into the prevention and treatment of silicosis and establish a National Dust Disease Register.

Free Health Checks for Queensland Mine and Quarry Workers

As part of the plan to implement safety standards around silica, the Queensland government has introduced free lung health checks for workers.

The free lung health checks will benefit the 15,000 QLD mineral miners and quarry workers. They will get free lung health checks for life, even after leaving the industry, to catch silicosis or other potential lung diseases early to minimise their impact. The check consists of an X-ray read by two radiologists and a lung function test.

Compensation For Truck Accident Injuries

The nature of life for a truck driver on the road is one that involves little sleep and lots of driving. Inattention due to a lack of rest brought on by monetary incentive and pressure to drive longer hours produces a long line of trucking accidents waiting to happen. Compensation should be sought for truck accident injuries whether by truck drivers themselves or by other motorists involved in a truck accident. Everyone on the road is put at greater risk by the lax rule adherence governing truck drivers across Australia. 

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When should I see a trucking accident lawyer? 

If you are involved in a truck accident for which you are not entirely at fault that results in serious injury, you should seek compensation. Enlist the help of truck accident lawyers to help determine whether you ought to pursue a case to seek damages for your injuries. 

How do I make a truck accident injury claim? 

Making a truck accident claim involves working with a lawyer to use evidence that builds a case proving your injuries and that you are not entirely responsible for the accident which took place. Determining liability involves proving others to be held legally responsible to pay compensation to you for your injuries.

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Truck Accident Lawyers in Brisbane

Making a truck accident claim involves working with a lawyer to use evidence that builds a case proving your injuries and that you are not entirely responsible for the accident which took place. Determining liability involves proving others to be held legally responsible to pay compensation to you for your injuries.

Slips, Trips, and Falls Injury Claims

Accidents do happen, with slips trips, and falls often among the most common. When a slip and fall injury occurs in a public space, this case falls under public liability law in Australia. Public spaces are not only considered to be supermarkets and shopping malls. Rental properties, schools, sporting grounds and other outdoor spaces are all public sites where people frequently sustain injuries from falling. If you slip and fall, injuring yourself, then you may be able to claim compensation if you can prove that somebody can be held responsible for your fall injury.

Slip and Fall Lawyers in Brisbane

Richardson & Lyons are specialist personal injury lawyers in Brisbane who are well-experienced in public liability law and are equipped to handle slip and fall cases in Australia. It is best to seek legal advice as soon as possible following a slip and fall injury, to offer you the best chance of building a strong public liability case. We can offer you the proper legal help relating to your slip and fall situation to ensure that you have the correct set of options moving forward to make a case.

Slip and Fall Claims in Australia

We are proud to offer our public liability services for slips trips and falls cases under our No win, no fee guarantee. This means that unless your case is successful, you do not need to pay us anything. Our services are set up in such a way that we wholeheartedly wish to seek justice for you and to see you get the compensation that you deserve. To make slip and fall claims in Australia, it is best to seek legal help from public liability law experts. Our specialists at Richardson and Lyons can advise you of your rights and work with you to help prove that your case merits compensation.

How much are slip and fall settlements?

Generally, slip and fall cases settlement amounts in Australia differ widely. No two cases are the same and each is evaluated individually, yielding different results. We seek to gather as much information as possible about the circumstances of your injury and the impact that it has had on your life, in order to ensure that you receive the correct level of compensation appropriate to your suffering and loss. In most cases, the level of compensation you will receive is based on losses, or the gap between your predicted life path before your injury, and your actual life path since the injury took place.

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